Animals at War

02 October 2021 > 09 January 2022


Do you know the story of the dog Sinbad, the coast guard mascot who caused a diplomatic incident? Have you ever heard of Corporal Wojtek, the Polish war bear who took part in the Battle of Monte Cassino? Or Judy, the only animal officially registered as a prisoner of war? These were just some of the extraordinary anecdotes from the temporary exhibition 'Dieren in oorlog'.

Sometimes animals were also a real pest to soldiers. Lice, rats and fleas made life even harder for the soldiers. This exhibition took a look at the main tasks these little (and big) heroes performed during various wars in the 20th century. A lot of animals were used to promote communication between army units, while others were then used as mascots. Some animals, by the way, were honoured for their heroism.

Tijdelijke tentoonstelling Dieren In Oorlog