The Making of 'War in Waregem'

30 November 2018 > 31 January 2019


"Jim and Sophie are fascinated by the many graves at the Flanders Fields American Cemetery in their city, Waregem. Who are those soldiers buried there? And why are they mostly US soldiers? They do not hesitate for a second when they have to do a school assignment for the subject of journalism. They travel through Waregem, looking for the stories of fallen soldiers and how Waregem people got through the (last weeks of the) First World War."

Author Ivan Adriaenssens showed in HIPPO.WAR, using sketches and detail drawings, how the graphic novel ‘Oorlog in Waregem’ came into being. He made this visual story on behalf of the city administration. You read/see all about the devastating last weeks of WWI in Waregem, with real-life drawings and a historical background file.

This publication is still on sale at the city shop for 20 euros.

Graphic novel Oorlog in Waregem