The Yanks Are Coming

02 April 2018 > 15 November 2018


The Yanks Are Coming was part of the retrospective exhibition 1918, The Final Offensive in Waregem, Zonnebeke and Heuvelland. Together, they told the story of the last year of WWI. HIPPO.WAR focused on the last days of the war and the Americans' role in the liberation.

The story

Spring 1918. The front had been locked in a scaffolding war for over three years when the United States declared war on Germany on 6 April 1917. The Americans' entry into the war not only provides extra troops but also revives morale. Hope and victory are henceforth central. One hundred years later, Zonnebeke, Heuvelland and Waregem joined forces and told the story of the last year of the war with the exhibition 1918 The Final Offensive.

Exhibition at three locations

The Yanks are coming (Waregem): In the final days of the war, the Americans play a crucial role during the liberation of Waregem and the Leie-Schelde offensive.

1918, The last year of the war (Zonnebeke): This exhibition at the Memorial Museum Passchendaele 1917 was the entry point and provided a general introduction. It also examined Army Group Flanders and the role of the Belgians in the final offensive.

The Battle of the Kemmelberg [Kemmel Hill] (Heuvelland): Here, the battle for the Kemmelberg took centre stage, with highlights being the German Spring Offensive and the first deployment of US troops in Flanders.

Together, the three complementary exhibitions formed one tourist trail that also highlighted the scars in the landscape and the numerous memorial sites. Everything was also nicely compiled into a 36-page visitor's guide.

Tijdelijke expo The Yanks Are Coming